forest song

Screenshot of the game. Light green trees and grass against a dark green background, with 3 pink bells, an NPC and the player.
Screenshot of the game. Light green trees and grass against a dark green background, with 3 pink bells, an NPC and the player. Screenshot of the game. Orange trees and grass against a dark blue background, with a bulbous sky blue bell, an NPC and the player. Screenshot of the game. Pink trees and grass against a deep blue background, with a large sky blue gong, an NPC, the player, and a mysterious door.

Made for the bipsi launch jam. A musical forest guarded by a talkative bloblin.

I used this as a way of exploring bipsi's javascript support, with text-to-speech† for the bloblin npc and some webaudio synthesis code so you can make music in the forest.

† - If you're interested in how to add text-to-speech to your own bipsi games, I wrote up the process here.