Links: A Yet-Unforeclosed Possibility of Freedom and Joy
References for some of the things I talk about in my interactive talk A Yet-Unforeclosed possibility of Freedom and Joy.
Pirate Kart:
- Spindley Q Frog's original post on cohost
- The 529 in 1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart Part II: Klik Harder on Glorious Trainwrecks
- all 5 Pirate Karts in one place
The Indie Game: The Movie Moment:
- Indie Game: The Movie on Steam
- Liz Ryerson's review of Indie Game: The Movie
- Indie Entitlement: Liz Ryerson's follow-up on IG:TM, 2 years after its release
- The California Problem: And finally, Ryerson's detailed history of indie games from the late 2000's to the 2020's
- Dissidence to Britpop: Exhibit A: Neil Kulkarni's furious review of Kula Shaker's K
Glorious Trainwrecks:
- Glorious Trainwrecks
- Postcardware: Wikipedia's definition of postcardware
- Jeremy Penner and Mattie Brice Discuss Glorious Trainwrecks (this is where I got the idea for the interactive portion of the talk)
Klik & Play:
- Klik 'n' Play: Glorious Trainwrecks' introduction to Klik & Play
- KNP: Running on a 64-bit OS: How to get Klik & Play running on a modern OS
- Learning KNP FAQ: Glorious Trainwrecks post on how to use Klick & Play
Art, Money, Normality, Productivity:
- Max Haiven: Art After Money Money After Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization
- Robert Chapman: Empire of Normality: Neurodiversity and Capitalism
- A Materialist History of Pathology and Neurodiversity: A Conversation with Robert Chapman: An interview with Chapman about Empire of Normality
Nostalgia Redux:
- On Postgate, Kids’ Telly & Music
- And some of the music Kulkarni references: