Lockdown Paintings

A painting with multiple brightly-coloured overlapping circles within an angled rectangular frame.
A painting with multiple brightly-coloured overlapping circles within an angled rectangular frame. A painting of radiating brightly-coloured rings caught within angular boundaries, butting up against other rings similarly caught within their own boundaries. A painting of brightly-coloured facets, triangular and polygonal. A painting of brightly-coloured waves, interrupted by straight lines, each at a different angle. A painting of a kind of offset rectangular tunnel, with walls made of brightly-coloured overlapping circles. A painting of brightly-coloured right angle lines. A painting of 3 brightly-coloured triangles, intersected by a single diagonal line, against an irregular grid of bright facets. A painting of brightly-coloured waves intersected by a series of vertical lines. A painting of multiple brightly-coloured, overlapping peaks. A painting of a brightly-coloured radial grid

A series of paintings I did during the first lockdown in 2020, using watercolour pencils. I sent most of these off to friends as a way of keeping in touch when we couldn't meet in person.